Tag Archives: bittersweet memories
The Making of a Very Special Memorial Bench
This is a record of the creation of a very special bench in memory of two sisters who are no more — AnnaLeah and Mary Lydia Karth.
#madewithheart by Carole, a chainsaw wood carver, CC Carving: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... https://www.etsy.com/shop/cccarving?f…
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith;
in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness,
which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day;
and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing. (2 Timothy 4: 7-8)
To God be the glory — their Creator and Redeemer.
too often, it’s hard, I know
to find a space where one can recall
not how they died
but how they lived & who they were
a place for grateful reflections
As Hard as It Is, It’s Important to Remember Our Lost Loved Ones
Background Music: “May It Be” Music: Enya Lyrics: Roma Ryan Recorded: Aigle Studios, Dublin
Released: 2001 for the movie Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring
“May It Be” is both a blessing song and a prayer, written by Enya in collaboration with Nicky and Roma Ryan specifically for Peter Jackson’s film Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring at the request of soundtrack composer Howard Shore. It was composed in a style intended to evoke the cultural feeling of J.R.R. Tolkien’s world, in particular that of Tolkien’s elves.
Peter Jackson in Part One: From Book to Vision: “May It Be” is a blessing sung for those who choose to walk the long road, in defense of all that is good in life, no matter the odds. Honoring one’s commitment to what is true, loving and good, with perseverance even in the face of total hopelessness, is a continual theme appearing throughout all of Tolkien’s work. (Paraphrased) https://genius.com/Enya-may-it-be-lyrics
Safer Trucks To Receive Commemorative Awards For Contribution to Safer Roads

In order to encourage trucking companies to buy and drive safer trucks, AnnaLeah & Mary for Truck Safety has created decals to affix to trucks which have installed a stronger rear guard and/or added side guards — thereby meeting safety standards for rear and side underride protection, as spelled out in the STOP Underrides Bill.
In hopes that this recognition of fleet safety leadership will help to prevent the loss of other precious lives, we are launching this program on May 4, 2020, as we remember our loss of AnnaLeah and Mary in an underride crash seven years ago on May 4, 2013.
The SaferTruck System Bono Award is for trucks on which a stronger rear underride guard has been installed to prevent underride deaths at the rear of trucks. We chose this name in reference to the patron saint, Beuno or Bono (Latin, bonus = good), known for the protection of children — using the image of Mary’s beloved stuffed toy St. Bernard, Gertie.

The SaferTruck System Christopher Award is for trucks which have had side guards installed to prevent underride deaths at the sides. We chose this name in reference to the patron saint/advocate of travelers, Christopher — keeping in mind AnnaLeah’s love of medieval history and dragons.

With special thanks to Mary & AnnaLeah’s brother, Isaac Karth, who created the designs for these two SaferTruck System awards.
Safer Trucks Receive Commemorative Awards for Contribution to Safer Roads flipbook
SaferTruck System Awards Program brochure
Sign a Letter of Support for the SaferTruck System Awards Program
AnnaLeah’s Too-True Story
True Stories Well Told recently published this all too true tale of AnnaLeah. . .
AnnaLeah was a particularly avid reader with a colorful imagination. She had a myriad ideas written down on random pieces of paper tucked into drawers, filling notebooks, or emailed to herself. She had, in fact, already created in her own mind numerous literary worlds peopled by characters with names and personalities. . .
Read more here: https://truestorieswelltold.com/2019/12/18/annaleahs-too-true-story/

The Future That Never Came To Pass
I’m very thankful to the people who gave AnnaLeah the opportunity, as a teenager, to care for young children at a weekly Women’s Bible Study as well as at a preschool. She was so good with little ones — able to relate to them and captivate their hearts. At the same time, she was a deep thinker and well-read.

At the time, I might have said, “What good experience you’re getting to develop your skills for the future.” In retrospect, it turns out that there was no future for her in which she actually made good use of those skills. In my darker moments, I might even think, “Well, what was the point of all that then?”
All the same, I am glad for AnnaLeah that while she was here, she gave fully of herself. She laughed. She thought great thoughts and wrote inspiring words. She enjoyed her life and through it touched other people, who loved and appreciated her.

AnnaLeah’s time on earth did not prepare her for a life which unfolded into old age. No matter. AnnaLeah’s simple acts of kindness, her winsome ways with little children, her natural gift of storytelling and her ability to draw you into her laughter, along with her pondering of wondrous things. . . these were not meant for the future. They made for richness in the daily moments of her life and now bring to mind treasured memories of the past.
Her greatest adventure is what lies ahead. . . in an infinity of days with her heavenly Father — joy unspeakable. Still, I’m only being honest when I say how unfathomable it is that her life here on earth is over — just like that — and how much I wish it wasn’t so.
AnnaLeah. Forever 17. Never Forgotten.

Good news: Nothing to fear!: Christmas Letters From AnnaLeah & Mary
Industry opposition to life-saving measures deepens my grief. Peace in my soul & pain in my heart.
There is peace like a river in my soul but pain does not leave my heart. The ongoing inaction and opposition of the trucking industry, to solutions which could prevent such grief for others, does not make it any easier. In fact, the frustration and anger it stirs up is one more grief too hard to bear.
The power of misinformation and subtle suggestions have the power to sway and delay decisive action. This has gone on far too long. May truth and mercy prevail.
To still my soul in the midst of this raging battle, I am reminding myself of the joy and love of life shared by my daughters during their short time here on this earth before their lives were so abruptly ended by a preventable truck underride crash.
Mary loved to capture every moment on her camera–from the mundane to the amazing. That included our walk on the trails of Battle Park on a beautiful day in January 2013 in her new home of Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Mary’s photo story of the walk with her sister, AnnaLeah, dad, and mom is set to Horatio Spafford’s well-known hymn, “It Is Well With My Soul.” Fitting in so many ways. Peace like a river attendeth my soul.
Photography by Mary Lydia Karth (and her mom)
AnnaLeah & Mary Lydia Karth. . . Never Forgotten. Always in my heart.
You will be forever on my mind. Always in my .
Full of joy and sharing it freely. . .
Kind, witty, and wise. . .
How many families are feeling the loss of loved ones this Christmas because of preventable underride?
How many families are feeling the loss of loved ones this Christmas because of preventable underride? How many more must die before we solve this problem once and for all?
This Year & Last Year…Before & After
Existence and perception sometimes seems to have a line of demarcation [May 4, 2013]. Nothing will restore it to what it was. I have to work harder to pay attention to and be involved in the new memories–to embrace the good in the after so that it does not get lost in the longing for the before.
Mary Lydia Karth, you will not be forgotten. Forever 13. August 6, 1999 – May 8, 2013
Mary Lydia Karth. Forever 13. August 6, 1999 – May 8, 2013
Sharing this post full of videos because I don’t want Mary to be forgotten: Every Day’s A Holiday With Mary; Joyful Memories of Mary
Every memory is both sweet & bitter. So full of life! Oh, my heart breaks for her lost years. <3
Glimpses of 13-year old Mary’s hopes & dreams — from a letter she wrote to herself 2 weeks before she died
Glimpses of 13-year old Mary Lydia Karth — her questions, hopes, & dreams — from a letter she wrote to herself two weeks before she died from truck underride.
She also wrote: “I hope . . . I’m living every day like it’s my last.”
You were, Mary — so full of joie de vivre. Missin’ you.
Mary models a wedding dress Mary had fun modeling Rebekah’s wedding dress as it was sewed step-by-step…she will never wear her own.