“U.S., major automakers to announce safety accord Friday” Really? Is it enough?

” U.S., major automakers to announce safety accord Friday”  Reuters, Business News | Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:30pm EST, by David Shepardson

“The U.S. government and a group of global automakers are set to unveil a voluntary agreement at the Detroit auto show on Friday aimed at improving auto industry safety and spurring culture changes, according to company and government officials. . .

But it stops short of what many safety advocates have urged Congress and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to adopt: new binding legal requirements to toughen safety rules. And automakers may be able to raise the voluntary agreement to argue against future proposed regulations, saying the accord makes legally binding rules unnecessary.”

Read more herehttp://www.reuters.com/article/us-autoshow-detroit-safety-idUSKCN0UP2EG20160112

This sounds very familiar. . . as in the 100 previous years of  this dilemma in the history of highway safety battles which Michael Lemov has recorded in his book, Car Safety Warshttps://annaleahmary.com/2015/09/automatic-emergency-braking-in-all-new-cars-a-step-transportation-officials-say-could-significantly-reduce-traffic-deaths-and-injuries/

It is important for verbal commitment to safety to be followed up with regulatory provisions to ensure that it, in fact, becomes a reality. When will we learn?

Support a national Vision Zero goal. Let’s get this right.




Court case could spell end to corporate cover-up of deadly defects secrets.

“Corporations can no longer hope to prevent public access to court records simply by settling a case before a court gets a chance to make a final determination.” – See more at: http://www.corporatecrimereporter.com/news/200/ninth-circuit-hands-safety-advocates-victory-over-chrysler/#sthash.QFwAJeKU.dpuf

That’s good news because corporations need to be held accountable for what they produce. If they aren’t held liable for safety defects in their products, then what reason do they have for being vigilant themselves to make sure that their actions are not resulting in death or serious injuries?

I have written more on this topic here: https://annaleahmary.com/tag/trailer-manufacturers/.

Car Safety Wars book cover

(Photo is cover of enlightening safety advocacy historical chronicle. . .                               written by Michael R. Lemov)

Is it testing God when we refrain from solving road safety problems–leaving road users vulnerable?

So to continue the conversation I was having with myself in my last two posts. . .

  1. Do what it takes to prevent people from unnecessarily dying in motor vehicle crashes. https://annaleahmary.com/2016/01/do-what-it-takes-to-prevent-people-from-unnecessarily-dying-in-motor-vehicle-crashes/ January 9
  2. Where is God when there are horrific tragedies? With us.  https://annaleahmary.com/2016/01/where-is-god-when-there-are-horrific-tragedies-with-us/ January 9

(Wow! It is really windy out there right now; I can hear the wind moving things around. . . Oh, great! It is so windy that it pulled up our deck umbrella which we apparently had not securely fastened into the stand. And now it is broken. At least, with a little money, it can be replaced. Unlike broken, lifeless bodies.)

As I was saying, after writing those two posts yesterday, this morning as we drove an hour to church, I (not being the driver of the day) did my morning Bible reading (randomly selected by what I opened to and following cross-references from the verses which have caught my attention). And this is what I was reflecting upon:

Bible verses January 10 1

Bible verses January 10 2

Bible verses January 10 3

Bible verses January 10 4

In summary, it says in Matthew 4, (and in Luke 4)

5 Then the devil took Him into the holy city; and he stood Him on the pinnacle of the temple, 6 and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God throw yourself down; for it is written, ‘He will give His angels charge concerning You; and on their hands they will bear You up, lest you strike Your foot against a stone.'” 7 Jesus said to him, “On the other hand, it is written, ‘You shall not tempt [put to the test] the LORD your GOD.'”

So that is my question:  Is it testing God

to execute laws and to promulgate safety regulations which make travelers on the road (whether in vehicles or pedestrians or cyclists) more vulnerable and susceptible to Death by Motor Vehicle?

(Or to refrain from taking action which would aid in preventing deaths.)

In other words, are we saying, “There are things which could protect people but we aren’t going to require them or enforce them; people know they are taking a risk when they go on the road and society cannot pay to protect them”?

Then, less than an hour later, I attended a Bible study for the first time whose focus has been the book of Matthew. The chapter being studied today was (guess what!) Matthew 4. And this was basically the first thing being discussed:

Adult Bible Study January 10

And so the conversation inside my head goes. . .

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Where is God when there are horrific tragedies? With us.

This is a follow-up to my previous post on the struggle to understand where God is at when there are horrific tragedies: https://annaleahmary.com/2016/01/do-what-it-takes-to-prevent-people-from-unnecessarily-dying-in-motor-vehicle-crashes/.

After writing that post, then I read an article which a friend had posted on facebook, called Slain in the Shadow of the Almightyhttp://www.desiringgod.org/articles/slain-in-the-shadow-of-the-almighty . I might agree with some things in that article. But what I read in the Bible, and what I have seen to be the case in my life, is that while we are not in total control we can make an impact on what happens in this world:

  • Man makes plans, but the LORD directs his steps–by the power of the Spirit.
  • Jesus, being tempted in the wilderness by Satan for 40 days, did not simply jump from the roof of the temple and expect God/an angel to catch Him.
  • Joseph, with the wisdom given to Him by God, made a plan to be prepared for a famine and doled out food to meet people’s needs (including his own family who were not prepared).
  • Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.
  • I think that it is a matter of trust and I do trust Him. But I think that He wants us to take dominion over things in this world where we are capable of doing so–as in matters where we can take steps to prevent others from dying.
  • God’s love is the rule.
  • Faith without works is dead. We walk by faith and not by sight. By faith, this mountain can be moved.
  • A paradox of faith.
  • He works through our words and actions and plans. That includes advocating for measures which will lead to safer roads and prevent unnecessary deaths.
  • Until the race is finished and the work is done.

I sang this song at my daughters’ funeral and I still believe it to be true:

a66 AnnaLeah and Mary's balloons

The balloons we released at the burial of AnnaLeah (17 purple) and Mary (13 orange) as we said farewell.


Does saving a few seconds or couple of minutes really worth doing? Is it worth the risk of possible collision & personal injury?

“So, does saving a few seconds or a couple of minutes really worth doing? Is it worth the risk of possible collision and personal injury? Are you really saving time? Give me a couple of seconds to think about it.”




Do what it takes to prevent people from unnecessarily dying in motor vehicle crashes.

It really bothers me when people frequently suggest that someone came out of a horrible crash alive because of the grace of God. I have a hard time thinking that because the flip side would be to conclude that His grace did not bother to save my girls.

Instead, I choose to trust Romans 8:28 that He will make all things work together for good and that He will give me the grace to get through what happened. And He did allow it to happen, which has caused me a great deal of struggle with some Bible verses which talk about His angels having charge over us, etc. (For example, Psalm 91)

On the other hand, I don’t think that it is exactly what He had in mind for people to die in such tragic ways. I think that He has given us the wisdom to do our part and whenever possible to do what it takes to prevent people from unnecessarily dying from motor vehicle crashes. He doesn’t mean for us to live carelessly or irresponsibly and simply expect that our guardian angels will always take up the slack for us.

The fact of the matter is that we all have responsibility to do our part–whether it is to drive responsibly or to determine what needs to be done to make our roads safer. This can include so many things such as technology, equipment design, road design, traffic laws, safety regulations, enforcement, and criminal justice.

And so, I feel confident that He will hear my prayer when I ask for breakthroughs in safety issues and that He will lead me in the path of safety advocacy and by His Spirit move through people to bring about change. And when there is resistance and opposition, I will do all in my power to draw attention to it and shed light on the truth.

Dragon Underride Protector 004

We Rescue Jesus Saves 00425 AnnaLeah Jesus Loves Me 052No no list 003


And when there is tragedy, then, as AnnaLeah’s craft project above says, “In my life, Lord, Thy will be done.”

Meanwhile, let’s join together and work Toward Zero Deaths: https://www.change.org/p/obama-adopt-a-vision-zero-goal-and-sign-an-executive-order-to-save-lives-not-dollars  and  http://www.thepetitionsite.com/417/742/234/save-lives-not-dollars-urge-dot-to-adopt-vision-zero-policy/

OTHER POSTS RELEVANT TO THIS DIFFICULT TOPIC:   https://annaleahmary.com/tag/safety/

“Does Vision Zero work? The Swedish Experience”

Go here to read how Vision Zero has been working in Sweden:  http://www.visionzeroinitiative.com/en/Concept/Does-the-vision-zero-work/

Go here to cast your vote to bring about a national Vision Zero in the U.S:  https://www.change.org/p/obama-adopt-a-vision-zero-goal-and-sign-an-executive-order-to-save-lives-not-dollars and http://www.thepetitionsite.com/417/742/234/save-lives-not-dollars-urge-dot-to-adopt-vision-zero-policy/

Let’s move away from an attitude that traffic fatalities are inevitable to a conviction that this rampant carnage can be checked. Toward Zero Crash Deaths & Serious Injuries.

Number Line Rulemaking Method

Now a Hotel Locator for Truckers. . . a tool to make your life just a little bit easier.

And here is another helpful resource for truckers who need a place to sleep:  http://www.365trucking.com/staysmarter

Finally a Hotel Locator for Truckers with horsepower. 365trucking.staysmarter.com is powered by a intelligent search engine built by the leaders in the Hotel Industry. 365Trucking.com is proud announce a new partnership with Staysmarter.com exclusively for the Trucking community.  

StaySmarter is taking years of Hotel experience and relationships with every major Hotel chain and combining all that knowledge with getting Truckers to their hotel quickly, safely and cost effectively

Help for truckers: Overnight Truck Parking App

Here is another truck parking solution: http://roadbreakers.com/


 iOS & Android. No internet required to find parking. Data stored locally on your device but capable of automatic live update over the network. Post comments about specific overnight truck parking locations. Help out by submitting new overnight truck parking locations. Report problems with a specific parking location. Map view & list view of nearby parking locations. Feel like chatting? Post & view user comments within the app!

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More areas for long-haul trucks to park could help prevent some crashes

I have previously written about the need for parking for long-haul trucks.  https://annaleahmary.com/tag/truck-parking/

I read these recommendations about this need today:  http://www.underridenetwork.org/safe-and-legal-truck-and-car-parking-in-the-u-s/
