$462M Jury Verdict Over Rear Impact Guard Design

For over 50 years, NHTSA has failed to require truck trailers to be equipped with underride guards that protect road users from death and injury. The industry has lobbied to keep it that way and tens of thousands of innocent people have lost their lives as a result. This week, a St. Louis jury made a trailer manufacturer pay a just price.

Why would the jury do so? Could it have been because Wabash continued to sell an inadequate rear impact guard as standard equipment — even though they have a safer option available — and because of the industry’s opposition and the government’s abandonment of public safety?

Justice has been served.

BREAKING: $462M Verdict Returned In Trial Over Truck’s Rear Impact Guard Design – Watch Full Trial via CVN, Courtroom View Network

Wabash Faces $462 Million Verdict in Truck-Trailer Crash, Wall Street Journal

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