Back of the Envelope Math: How many side underride deaths since March 19, 1969?

If you had to guess how many people have died from truck underride, or more specifically from side underride, since DOT talked about side guards on March 19, 1969, what would you say? Well, nobody can say for sure, but I did some Back of the Envelope Math today — using the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) undercounted underride death data.

Here’s what I came up with: Back of the Envelope Math — Estimated Underride Deaths 3/19/69 – 3/19/22

Why would we equip some trucks to prevent rear underride but not side or front? And why not equip ALL large trucks with available underride prevention technology?

It might not be exact, but it certainly is revealing.

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