Washington Underride Facts

Washington STOP Underrides Petition Signers

Washington STOP Underrides Petition COMMENTS

STOP Underrides Petition

District 1 WASHINGTON DelBene signers

District 2 WASHINGTON Larsen signers

District 3 WASHINGTON Herrera Beutler Signers

District 4 WASHINGTON Newhouse signers

District 5 WASHINGTON McMorris Rodgers signers

District 6 WASHINGTON Kilmer signers

District 7 WASHINGTON Jayapal signers

District 8 WASHINGTON Schrier signers

District 9 WASHINGTON Smith signers

District 10 WASHINGTON Heck signers

Note: The pdfs of petition signers by Congressional District may have some discrepancies as it was difficult for some cities to determine what district was appropriate because we did not have zip code information.

By State Underride Deaths & Petition Signers 27%

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