Trump’s EO allows for regulations related to “health, safety, financial or national security matters”

I could be wrong, but if what I just read is true, then President Trump is leaving the way open for regulations which would make us safer on the road.

President Trump issued Friday an order to executive agencies directing them to freeze all new regulations pending further review by Trump and his team. It’s unclear, however, whether this rule will affect any coming trucking regulations, especially since the administration’s memo, circulated by Trump’s Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, allows for regulations related to “health, safety, financial or national security matters” to continue.

Now all we need is for public health and safety to be given the consideration it needs by means of Vision Zero rulemaking.

Equal Justice For All, Legal Reader, artist Neal Angeles
Equal Justice For All, Legal Reader, artist Neal Angeles

One thought on “Trump’s EO allows for regulations related to “health, safety, financial or national security matters”

  1. Same topic. Traffic safety.Does government owe us protection from vehicle violence.

    Different approach. Question to be answered by local government. compared to the political red state, blue state approach.

    If the various states decide on different work hours for truck drivers, for example, would each state enforce its own laws regardless of the truck origin? Even trucks form Canada and Mexico?

    If each state reacts on a “states’ right” response, how does the commerce clause of the Constitution come into play, if at all? And if the Feds reply is “that’s not my job”, then what?

    I think I could accurately predict the answer from rural jurisdictions would not be the same as the answer from urban jurisdictions.

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