I have again requested that NHTSA and NTSB address the side underride factor in their investigation of yet another Tesla side underride crash.
The U.S. auto safety agency said on Monday it is investigating a crash in Detroit on Thursday involving a Tesla that became wedged underneath a tractor-trailer and left a passenger in critical condition. U.S. safety agency probes ‘violent’ Tesla crash in Detroit
After the investigation of Joshua Brown’s widely-publicized side underride death in May 2016, I asked NHTSA to provide me with their Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) report on his crash. What I discovered was that his crash was coded as “No Underride or Override Noted.” Joshua Brown/Tesla Side Underride Crash Coded as “No Underride” in FARS Data
It has been confirmed by the GAO that underride deaths are undercounted. We all know that ghastly underride deaths happen way too often. Will we seriously allow the lack of an accurate count to stop us from using proven engineering solutions to make sure that there are no more senseless Deaths By Underride?!