Living and loving and grieving and giving. Carrying on day by day.

Today, I pulled out some clothes for church and realized after I did that the skirt was the one which I bought after the crash. All of my clothes, which I had packed for the trip on May 4, 2013, were destroyed in the crash. So, while driving from the hospital in Athens, Georgia, to Arlington, Texas, to be with all of our children (minus 2), Jerry and I stopped at a Cracker Barrel, and I picked out a lovely skirt. The next day was Mother’s Day–one week after our crash.
Today marks the day Mary died in 2013. I will get no more Mother’s Day greetings from her. Or from AnnaLeah.
Here’s a card from Mary many years ago when I came home from a trip somewhere.
Grief is so complicated:
How a truck crash irrevocably changed the month of May & every other month for that matter.
I’m having a special day today–thanks to my children and my husband. And I am grateful for it. But while I’m waiting to enjoy the meal they are preparing, I have to admit . . . what is it that I am trying to say?
AnnaLeah and Mary, I will never stop missing you. You are my daughters–from life’s first cry to final breath and all through eternity.
It is Ascension Sunday–the day we remember how Jesus left us until that day when He will return again. How ironic: Today is May 8, the day we lost Mary, Mother’s Day, and Ascension Sunday.
None of these words take away the pain of losing you:
How a Truck Crash Changed the Month of May; or What Happens When Nobody Takes Responsibility?