Tag Archives: grief

A Walk Through the Woods; A photo story from Mary’s camera. It is well with my soul.

Mary loved to capture every moment on her camera–from the mundane to the amazing. That included our walk on the trails of Battle Park on a beautiful day in January 2013 in her new home of Rocky Mount, North Carolina.

Mary’s photo story of the walk with her sister, AnnaLeah, dad, and mom is set to Horatio Spafford’s well-known hymn, “It Is Well With My Soul.” Fitting in so many ways. Peace like a river attendeth my soul.

Photography by Mary Lydia Karth (with a few by her mom as well):

When Peace Like a River; It is well with my soul

A new day. Full of so many possibilities. What will it bring?

It’s a new day.

New day 001New day 002

Full of possibilities.

Garden 001New day 003


What will it bring? What does He have in store for me?

New day 005Bear one another's burdens 008

Looking forward to being a part of it.

“Stifled Grief: How the West Has It Wrong”

Stifled Grief: How the West Has It Wrong Huff Post (Common Grief) Michelle E. Steinke Founder/CEO – One Fit Widow, My 1 Fit Life,

It is my grief — my ongoing heartfelt loss —  which compels me to ask these questions.

CBA Victim Cost Benefit Analysis Victim

Is Cost/Benefit Analysis Appropriate for Life & Death Matters? Were their lives worth saving?

Mary, full of joy, wrote to herself, “I hope that I will be living every day as if it were my last.”

AnnaLeah and Mary loved their niece and nephew to the moon and back (except when they were fussy!). They would have loved their brand-new precious nephew as well.

Jerome with Gertie
Photo by The Karths, Naomi & Sam

I have to admit when I saw this photo of him today–one month old–I couldn’t help but think how cheated we all were. They will never know him here. He will never know them. But I am very grateful for this new bundle of joy brought into our family.

Photo Album of Mary & Gertie’s Namesake: Our For-Real St. Bernard

I will never forget what Mary wrote to herself, “I hope that I will be living every day as if it were my last.” And she and her sister did–full of laughter and joy. Loving. . .


Forever Sisters. . . you will not be forgotten.

Forever sisters. . .image1 (6)

Statue and sunflowers 004Sisters 00233b Mary AnnaLeah picking her up 18 AnnaLeah Mary sheet tent 19 AnnaLeah Mary 4 bday2 AnnaLeah and Mary in the snow, Rocky Mount (1)8 Picture 6576 a day at the park in Rocky Mount (1)36 After Christmas family photos 02136a Christmas 2012 Rocky Mount 023susanna mary annaleah in costume AnnaLeah baby with R and s Susanna and AnnaLeah share a reading space3 at MuskegonMary kids GertieNever forgotten

Memorials to remember victims of our country’s traffic crash epidemic

People who die as a result of traffic crashes usually have no warning and, for the most part, were not doing something intentional to warrant such an untimely end.

Whatever the cause of their death, what is the best way to honor the memories of those hundreds of thousands of loved ones? One way is to share their stories and photos.  Another way is to work diligently in their memory to reduce crash deaths so that others do not have to suffer the same tragic end to their earthly life–and putting an end to this traffic crash epidemic.

Here is one Victim Memorial Page: Truck Crash Victim Memorials at Truck Safety Coalition

Here is an idea I had a while ago for making these stories more visible: Digital photo/video montage of the countless people who have had their lives cut short by a tragic crash.

What would you suggest? Email your ideas to me at marianne@annaleahmary.com.

PetitionHeader_option2Never forgotten

U.S.A. Crash Death Clock

Remembering our May Birthday Girl: AnnaLeah Karth (Forever 17)

Celebrating the life and laughter of our May birthday girl: AnnaLeah Karth (Forever 17)

AnnaLeah knitting at cottage

Colorful. Creative. Compassionate. Insightful.

AnnaLeah helping Grandpa to car
AnnaLeah and her dad helping Grandpa Waldron to the cottage after enjoying a view of Lake Michigan

It seems like only yesterday — only it was three years ago — that we found ourselves celebrating Vanessa’s four year-old birthday on the day when we had planned to have a joint celebration on AnnaLeah’s 18th birthday. . . May 15, 2013.

(Stolen from us by a preventable truck crash.)

In 11 years, we will celebrate Vanessa’s 18th birthday–the age that AnnaLeah would have been that day. Won’t that seem odd as our 2 girls remain young and the rest of us get older?

AnnaLeah in cottage3 at Muskegon

Some Photo Albums of a Beautiful, Loving Girl

AnnaLeah Birthday Girl Photo Album

Grace Girls Appreciated AnnaLeah For over three years, AnnaLeah took care of the babies and preschoolers of moms who attended a morning Bible Study group called Grace Girls. She had a gift with young children. She enjoyed them and they loved her. The moms appreciated AnnaLeah and let her know so. Photos show a Christmas card she received from them, as well as a farewell card to her when we were moving away from Midland, along with lots of photos of AnnaLeah with little ones.

Joy in the Journey. . . laughing with AnnaLeah Okay, so I posted the Buddies Forever photos and then decided that I wanted to post a photo of AnnaLeah’s hair to see how it matched her Buddy’s hair. In the process, I ran across a series of photos which Isaac took in 2009 when we were preparing for the Family Promise=Hope puppet program and wanted to create a “wedding portrait” of the Mom & Dad puppets for their bedroom wall as a stage prop. AnnaLeah and I held the puppets as he took the photos and we were having such a fun time. Finding joy in the journey…then & now.

Weeping Willow Memories. . . she was so creative Mary and AnnaLeah enjoyed a spring-like day in the winter of 2009 at Grafa Park in Midland, Texas. The branches of a weeping willow tree became the setting for the unleashing of their imagination. (Preserved for us by their sister, Susanna Karth)

Sarah Eaton’s Photos of AnnaLeah & Mary Sarah shares these thoughts about AnnaLeah and Mary from Midland, Texas: So many good memories with those girls. They may be gone but they lived life to the fullest! I am so thankful to have gotten to know them even if it was just for a couple of years!

Locks of Love. . . Mary’s braids are beautiful. Maybe, when I am not here anymore, my family might decide to donate them to Locks of Love. But right now, they are all that I have left of her, and I am going to keep them. (Wish I had AnnaLeah’s as well…)

AnnaLeah served from her heart. She was very handy with her hands–though construction was not her forte but rather crafts. Young children especially loved her.

I love to see AnnaLeah’s genuine smile and love of her niece and nephew and books, books, books!

While Mary played, AnnaLeah diligently got the job done! : )

I was so proud of AnnaLeah as she matured and gave to those around her. She was insightful and taught me a lot. I don’t know that I ever affirmed her fully or told her enough how much I loved her. To the moon and back. See you soon, raccoon (not soon enough).

Mary is still spreading joy.

Just tonight, someone heard the ringtone on my phone and smiled. It was one that Mary recorded not all that long before she died. I’ve left it on my phone.

How about that? Mary is still spreading joy.

(Well, now that makes me smile and cry at the same time.)

Hear her here:


Thank you, Mary.

In the aftermath of the crash which shattered our world, we were surrounded by loving care.

In this month of May, not only do we remember our girls, AnnaLeah (forever 17) and Mary (13), but also the multitude of caring people who surrounded our entire family with love and prayer and tangible support in the aftermath of a crash which shattered our world and broke our hearts.

Approaching Exit 130, December 2013 Crash scene months later December 2013IMG_4521IMG_4507

We will never be able to thank them all enough, but I like to try. From Georgia to North Carolina to Michigan to Texas to Indiana–and many other places far & wide–there were people caught up in the tragedy with us. Please know that we will never forget.

photo of Good Samaritan Hospital Greensboro
Hospital where Mary was first taken to ER in Greensboro, Georgia. She was later moved to a hospital a few hours away in Augusta, Georgia, where she was a Jane Doe for quite some time until Jerry could arrive.
Jeff coroner and EMS Director
Jeff, EMS Director/Coroner
Jerry with Amanda Mary's ER nurse in Greensboro, Georgia
Amanda, Mary’s ER nurse–so good to meet someone who took care of Mary and could tell us about her
Pastor Schwartz and Jerry Augusta
Pastor Schwartz in Augusta–wonderful support for Jerry in a time of great need
Mary's ER nurse, May 4, 2013
It was a blessing to talk with someone who had been there for our Mary in a scary, painful time for her when I could not be with her.

Photo Album from Trip which Jerry and I took to Georgia, December 2013

Simply Mary. . .love these memories of a sweet, silly, lovable girl!

Every day’s a holiday with Mary. . . remembering Simply Mary Moments

Simply MaryLoving life

A Short Film produced & directed by Isaac Karth & Samuel Karth, and starring Mary Lydia Karth: Gremlins in the Basement

And, I love this! Spontaneous moments with Mary (about age 6)–trailer from the making of the above film with her older brothers, Gremlins in the Basement: