Tag Archives: crash not an accident

It’s No Accident; the real story behind senseless death & injury on our roads by Lisa Lewis

Just saw this book by Lisa Lewis (1995), It’s No Accident: the real story behind senseless death and injury on our roads. I’ll have to check that out.

Always keep in mind that there are numerous reasons for crashes, crash fatalities and injuries. I am thankful for the many people who are addressing these problems from every which way.


Brief description of the book: ” The author reveals that many dangerous behaviors are now promoted by businesses, and that drivers who kill often walk away with just a small fine. This expose is a must-read for anyone concerned about what’s happening on our roads and how to stop it.” http://tinyurl.com/pfcm9ca

Get it here:


If I could pick my troubles. . .

My husband has found himself–more than once–looking for a new job due to the economy. We have had to live apart for months at a time while he did contract work in another state, make moves across the country to start over (including selling houses while living apart), worry about the possibility of losing a house, learn how to gracefully be in the position of needing to trust the Lord to take care of all of our needs, and watch our nine children grow and deal with various stages of struggling to obtaining a living wage (including some with disabilities).

Don’t look at the waves; He can sustain you no matter what you are going through. Live. Love. Laugh. Whatever the circumstances. Each day. Pack up your troubles. . .

But, if I could pick my troubles, I would go through those struggles all over again rather than face a lifetime without AnnaLeah and Mary. There are usually alternative solutions and creative ways to survive life’s challenges. Nothing, however, can fix unexpected and irrevocable death due to a preventable crash.


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So full of life, snatched from us without any warning. . .

Published on Jul 26, 2013

When we got back home after the crash and were looking through our photo and video files, we found some short video clips of a short story which AnnaLeah had apparently written and which she narrated as Mary acted it out and Susanna filmed it with her digital camera in our backyard in Midland, Texas (circa 2009).


Published on Dec 24, 2013

When Mary was very young, we used to call her www.mlk (wonderful wiggly worm mary lydia karth). She was full of energy and very expressive. It didn’t take much for her to make us laugh or smile.

This two-minute video, where we were packing up to go home after a summer vacation, was one of those times where she amused her older brother without even trying.


Published on Sep 5, 2013

My Favorite Present…Catch a glimpse of AnnaLeah and Mary as they enjoy watching Vanessa open her 3 year-old birthday presents…including books from AnnaLeah (of course!) and an empty plastic Pooh Bear honey jar which Mary had saved for months (knowing Vanessa would like it). Simple things, simply joy…

Published on Oct 27, 2013

Getting our house ready to sell took a lot of work. One day, AnnaLeah worked very hard to trim the new blinds throughout the house (with the help of Jerry & Levi). Mary’s job was to have fun and entertain the rest of us!

Published on Dec 21, 2013

Short video clips of Mary as a Christmas angel in about 2003…in this one she is singing, “Jesus is the Heart of Christmas.”

Published on Dec 21, 2013

Short video clips of Mary as a Christmas angel in about 2003…in this one she asks, “Are we done yet?”


Published on Dec 21, 2013

Short video clips of Mary as a Christmas angel in about 2003…in this one she is a tired angel and counts on her big brother Angel Levi.

Published on Dec 21, 2013

Short video clips of Mary as a Christmas angel in about 2003…in this one she is glad that the program is finally over: Joy to the World!


Published on Nov 20, 2013

Mary and Susanna were in Midland Community Theater’s 2009 production of A Christmas Carol. They had a wonderful time and made lots of friends. This video includes scenes in which Mary participated–and some with Susanna as the blind man’s companion and in the ensemble, as well. Look for Mary’s long, flowing hair and a blue head wrap/scarf…doing a circle dance, as an angel singing…in the crowd of people…Video begins with photos of Mary & Susanna in costume so you can recognize them in the scenes.


Published on Oct 29, 2013

AnnaLeah Builds Her Hobbit Orphanage
AnnaLeah and Levi joined other youth from Grace Lutheran in Midland, Texas, in a servant event. Under the direction of DCE Eaton they thought that they were going to build a storage shed at Camp Lone Star in 2010. AnnaLeah knew that it was really an orphanage for hobbits! See them hard at work in this fast-action short video…


Published on Nov 27, 2013

When I was pregnant with my first baby, I didn’t like the idea of “Rock-a-Bye, Baby” with its line of “Down will come baby…” So I made my own version: “Snuggle now, baby, in Jesus’ arms”…remember AnnaLeah and Mary as smiling and laughing—in this life they had here and imagine them dancing on the streets of pure gold.

Published on Dec 22, 2013

AnnaLeah was 6 & Mary was 2, and they were both water bugs! Our family enjoyed a quiet vacation at a cottage overlooking Lake Michigan.


Published on Sep 18, 2013

AnnaLeah and Mary participated in Vacation Bible School for many years in Michigan and later in Texas. As they got older, they began helping out in various capacities. The younger kids loved them! When Mary was about 4, she became the mascot for the Construction, INC VBS (Construction In the Name of Christ) and dressed up as Rick the Brick! Here you will see her as Rick the Brick at the beginning and end of the song by that same title. In between, there are just lots of photos of Mary enjoying life and participating in it fully.”

And so many more memories can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD-_wRmJmnZ3f5xBVXUe22A

A Terrible Turmoil; An Unresolved Grief

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I have been familiar, for many years now, with the concept of anger being a secondary emotion. Now I get to live it out in a new circumstance: being angry due to the frustrations of the inadequacies of the justice system, regulatory system, enforcement system, et cetera of the trucking industry.

The awareness that these problems are likely to go on and on, and be ignored and belittled and result in evermore senseless deaths, leads to a helpless rage. My daughters died…and why?

For those who do not understand my struggle to move through this grieving into a greater measure of peace, I hope that you never have a reason to get a better grasp of the complexities of this dilemma.

It is not that I do not have faith that they are in a better place; I know that they are. But I daily struggle with the thought that if only somebody had done something differently, then AnnaLeah and Mary would still be here.

And because there are so many, many things that somebody could have done something about along the way that could have resulted in a different outcome, I cannot seem to stop asking the question, “Why didn’t they?!” And, will they ever?

A terrible turmoil.  An unresolved grief.

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(Related post: https://annaleahmary.com/2014/07/our-crash-was-not-an-accident/)

Our Crash Was Not An Accident


Our crash was not an accident.

There were many factors which contributed to our crash and to the fact that there were fatalities, including:

  1. There was a fatal crash two miles ahead of us two hours before our crash occurred. This had caused the traffic to back up.
  2. There had been nothing done, that I am aware of, to divert traffic or alert travelers that they would be coming up on this situation.
  3. Truck drivers have very long work weeks–partially a scheduling issue.
  4. Truck drivers are under a lot of pressure to drive a lot of hours and miles due to their compensation system.
  5. Consumers want their products delivered yesterday.
  6. Enforcement of truck driving regulations, especially of Hours Of Service (HOS), as well as truck maintenance, is an issue–paper log books have not been considered reliable and, too often, violations are not identified until it is too late.
  7. Opposition, to needed changes in regulations, by the trucking industry leads to delays in, or prevention of, changes which could prevent crashes and/or save lives.
  8. Training for, and issuing of, CDLs is not always what it should be.
  9. Federal regulations for underride guards—partially due to misinformed opposition and lack of priority assigned to this needed change—have been inadequate for far too long.
  10. Despite evidence from crash test research and real-world crash analysis, trailer manufacturers continued to produce inadequate underride guards.
  11. The unsafe driving habits/decisions of the truck driver who hit us may well have determined the outcome of our road trip for AnnaLeah and Mary.
  12. Drowsy driving may have been a factor. DWF = Driving While Fatigued can impair driving as much or more than DUI. Yet, it does not receive the same consequence.
  13. Current laws, for the most part, do not include DWF in the category of a “reckless” action. Vehicular homicide (which is a misdemeanor) would only become 1st degree vehicular homicide (which is a felony) in Georgia, if the driver were also charged with one of the following:
  • DUI.
  • Reckless driving.
  • Hit and run.
  • Passing a school bus.
  • Fleeing or eluding.
  • (Not DWF).
  1. I’ve probably forgotten something or other.  .  .
  2. Oh, yes, I got out of bed that morning, climbed into the car, and got on the road. I stopped for lunch and left the restaurant five minutes too soon (or too late).  Mary and AnnaLeah had come with me.

And who is taking responsibility for this crash (and thousands more like it every year)? How will this ever be addressed adequately to end this senseless slaughter of innocent victims in potentially preventable crashes?

Please wake up, America! After all, it could be you or someone you love that it happens to next. . . Let’s mandate a federal task force to address this widespread, complicated problem once and for all.



UPDATE, March 23, 2021: