PBS/Frontline Underride Documentary & Petition to Secretary Pete

Recent months have brought progress in the right direction to solve the truck underride problem. A PBS/Frontline documentary focused on underride will be aired on Tuesday, June 13, 10/9 Central. See the trailer here, America’s Dangerous Trucks. Spread the word! Breakout stories and articles:

  1. We are launching a new online petition to take advantage of the national attention this broadcast will bring to the hidden problem of underride. Please sign & share: Secretary Pete, It’s Past Time To End Death By Underride! These signatures & comments will be submitted to NHTSA.
  2. In April, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced members of the Advisory Committee on Underride Protection. The first ACUP meeting was on May 25. This diverse group, with both industry and safety advocates represented, will be making recommendations to Secretary Pete/NHTSA about how to end Death By Underride.
  3. At the same time, NHTSA published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) for a potential side guard regulation. Add your voice to our message. Submit a Public Comment (by July 20) here in support of requiring side guards on all new trucks. Help us to bring this long-overdue rule across the finish line.

Thank you for being a part of TEAM Underride!

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