Someday, Seeing Side Guards & Strong Rear Underride Guards Will No Longer Surprise Me

On the way home from our recent side guard crash test in Raleigh, I saw a Carolina Trucking Academy tractor-trailer turn the corner — with side guards! The ones that Jerry helped install not too long ago. Such a good feeling.

Another Side Guard On The Road

And today, on my way home from getting groceries, I saw a tractor-trailer with a rear #underride guard which met the strength of an Insurance Institute for Highway Safety TOUGHGuard Award. I knew it for sure because it had a sticker saying so — like the one we saw on our recent trip North.

I hope that, someday soon, I won’t be so surprised to see these things because they will be commonplace and known for saving lives. I might not get so excited, but I’ll still be grateful.

One thought on “Someday, Seeing Side Guards & Strong Rear Underride Guards Will No Longer Surprise Me

  1. Thank you Marianne! It has been more than 41 years since the Reagan Administration and NHTSA Administrator ( Raymond A Peck, a former coal industry lobbyist) stopped work on a stronger underride guard rulemaking effort. Maybe you can estimate how many needless lives were lost since then.

    An article I wrote this year on how Republicans gained and retained power back then by manipulating inflation or sinflation is at

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