June 18, 2020, CALL TO ACTION
When a vehicle goes under a big truck, it’s called an underride crash. This type of crash is extremely dangerous and completely preventable. Installing better guards on big trucks would prevent this type of crash.
There is an Infrastructure Bill being considered by the House Transportation & Infrastucture Committee called the INVEST in America Act which includes underride legislation. We are also waiting for the Senate Commerce Committee to introduce their version of an Infrastructure Bill soon. We are hoping it will include underride legislation.

Become part of the solution by sending an email TODAY to U.S. Legislators in Congress. Tell them that you want them to support Underride Legislation in the Infrastructure Bill.
Members of the U.S. Congress
U.S. Senators – Get contact information for your Senators in the U.S. Senate.
U.S. Representatives – Find the website and contact information for your Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives. Find your Rep by zip here.
You can also tag them on a Tweet. Use these hashtags: #STOPunderrides #UnderrideVictimsMatter.
Thank you for taking action. Share this message with your friends so we can make a significant impact at a crucial time.