We Have Never Before Had a National Traffic Safety Ombudsman

On September 3, 1969, according to the Congressional Record from that day, Congress discussed plans to fund and expand the National Traffic & Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966. Although we have made progress since that time, still today there are way too many people dying on our roads. We have not made it a national priority to address these deaths and serious injuries.

A National Traffic Safety Act of 2019 would provide a framework for a National Traffic Safety Ombudsman to oversee a Towards Zero Traffic Safety Task Force of diverse stakeholders to collaborate for Safer Vehicles, Safer Trucks, Safer Streets, and Safer Drivers to address the national public health and traffic safety crisis in order to make a significant reduction of the 36,560 annual traffic-related deaths in the United States (2018).

Russell Mokhiber, Corporate Crime Reporter, published an interview on this proposed strategy on October 29: Marianne Karth Calls for Creation of National Traffic Safety Ombudsman.

Congress, the ball is in your court: Will you act now to end these deaths?

PETITION: End Preventable Crash Fatalities: Appoint a National Traffic Safety Ombudsman

National Traffic Safety Act of 2019 Brochure inc. LINKS

GAO & CRS Analysis on Ombudsman

National Traffic Safety Act (Ombudsman) DRAFT 3

National Traffic Safety Act of 2019 DRAFT 11

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