On September 3, 1969, Congress discussed UNDERRIDE. How many more people have to die before Congress lays down the law?

On September 3, 1969, U.S. Congressman Vanik from Ohio was given the floor. He made a lengthy statement, with noteworthy comments about underride protection, including the inadequacy of the proposed regulation for rear underride and the absence of regulations for smaller straight trucks, as well as protection on the sides and front of trucks.

Wait! What? Imagine! Fifty years ago, not only was DOT proposing rulemaking, but the U.S. Congress had become informed on this issue and wanted to see immediate action taken to make comprehensive and effective underride protection on all trucks THE LAW!

Are you listening, Congress? NOW is the time to act! Pass the STOP Underrides Bill into law already!

Too many people have already paid the price since that public Congressional discussion which took place fifty years ago on September 3, 1969. No more.

The standard should be applicable to all vehicles and trucks so that the risk of damage and fatalities resulting from nonmatching bumper guards is permanently and forever removed from American highways.
. . . I hope that your committee will issue a mandate for this regulation next year [1970].
. . . the unsafe conditions resulting from the use of high-front bumpers on heavy trucks are to be evaluated for eventual development of a regulation.

Congressional Record for September 3, 1969

See relevant excerpts from pp. 13-14 and more details in this post:

Congressional Record on Underride 9.3.1969 pp. 13-14

Congress, Act Now To End Deadly Truck Underride! PETITION

One thought on “On September 3, 1969, Congress discussed UNDERRIDE. How many more people have to die before Congress lays down the law?

  1. Marianne has reason, facts, and moral righteousness on her side.

    Politics is another matter. Consider in 1969, Nixon was President and Republican policies have long been harmful.
    See https://www.legalreader.com/republican-racketeers-violent-policies/

    Even Democrat Presidents, except Jimmy Carter, have been strangely indifferent to highway carnage. See

    We will need all three branches of government in moral hands to get safety justice.

    Perhaps Michael Bloomberg can be persuaded to fund safety efforts here in America. See https://www.careforcrashvictims.com/blog/michael-bloomberg-promotes-meeting-new-car-assessment-program-safety-standards-worldwide/

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