Let’s manufacture new trucks that don’t have an underride problem, but let the existing ones stay in operation – as is. Excuse me?!

I’m a survivor of a truck crash (because my part of the car did not go under the truck) and the mom of two daughters who needlessly lost their lives to preventable rear underride. So I know what I’m saying when I tell you that every part of the STOP Underrides! Act will correct a specific aspect of the underride problem.

It is a comprehensive bill; if any part is left out, it will mean senseless deaths will continue. Any compromise made will be a compromise in human lives — a costly price paid by underride victims, survivors, their families, and all of society in the costs incurred.

Would Congress say, “When you manufacture new airplanes, make sure that they don’t have the problems of the 737 MAX,” and allow the existing ones to stay in operation — as is? In my mind, the question is the same for the underride problem. Will Congress say, “When you manufacture new trucks, make sure that they don’t have the underride problem,” and allow the existing ones to stay in operation — as is?

That would be to knowingly sentence countless people to sure Death By Underride over the next couple of decades until the existing trucks — which have a 10-15 year life — are no longer in service.

It will take an Act of Congress to bring about this needed change in the trucking industry.

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