Summary & Comments on the GAO Truck Underride Report

This brochure summarizes the findings and recommendations of the Government Accountability Office Truck Underride Guards Report:

GAO Truck Underride Report Brochure

Meanwhile, people continue to die from underride crashes at the front, side, and rear of trucks, while viable and practical technology exists or could quickly be available to install on trucks to save lives — if Congress would only say the word.

It would have been helpful if either the trucking industry stakeholders, NHTSA, or the GAO team would have spelled out precisely what they mean by “effectiveness” of side guards. What more are they looking for to prove that they are effective than the crash testing which has been conducted at IIHS (on March 30 & 31, 2017) and at the DC Underride Crash Test (on March 26, 2019)?

NHTSA has not yet done anything with the side underride research they have already completed. What guarantee do we have that they will do anything with further research unless mandated to do so?

It seems clear to me that the 219 annual underride deaths already-documented warrant the development of standards for implementation of comprehensive underride protection as outlined in the STOP Underrides! Bill. However, DOT has demonstrated that they have no intention of issuing rulemaking without a mandate which would force them to do so.

It will take an Act of Congress to make this happen.

Marianne Karth, May 12, 2019

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