Ask The Trucker “LIVE” w/Allen Smith: The Stop Underrides Act- Requiring front, side & rear underguards

Allen and Donna Smith, trucker advocates, host the Ask the Trucker Radio Talk Show. Underride was discussed on the show in March 2018 and again on April, 27, 2019. We appreciate their open mind and willingness to draw attention to this issue and foster open and honest conversation with truck drivers. Listen in here:

The Stop Underride Act- Requiring front, side & rear underguards on large trucks

We strive for facts & truth rather than talking points. Truckers have valid concerns about underrides and we want to address them. Proponents of underrides also have legitimate concerns for supporting the Stop Underrrides Act. Let’s hear both sides.

Guests on the show:

  • Jerry and Marianne Karth and Lois Durso advocates for Underrides and have lost loved ones due to Underride crashes. These underride deaths were not the fault of either 4 wheeler. One was an improper truck lane change, the other was icy roads.
  • Perry Ponder, inventor of AngelWing, engineer with an accident reconstruction engineering company
  • Aaron Kiefer, forensic engineer & crash reconstructionist, inventor of SafetySkirt
  • Andy Young, CDL holder and truck attorney

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