If you can do something to get better underride protection on trucks & you are reading this. . .

If you can do something to get better underride protection on trucks and you are reading this, then I hope that you will listen closely.

I was in a terrible truck crash but I didn’t die because my part of the car did not go under the truck. It was my daughters’ part of the car which went under the truck. And I am reminded of that every single day. And it fills me with anguish and silent rage.

Like today, I went to the doctor’s to see if they could take out a piece of glass from the crash which I think is under the skin of my knee. (The same thing happened a year after the crash.) Last Friday, I noticed an odd bump under the skin, which I could move around with my finger. Only now it is hidden again.

If only some glass in their skin was the only problem which AnnaLeah and Mary had from the crash — instead of dying from underride. If only those who could have done something had acted in time to make sure that the truck we collided with was safer — along with hundreds of millions of other trucks which have been put on the road with vulnerable travelers.

Are you one of those people? What can you do to make sure that people don’t continue to die needlessly?

Safety is no accident. It takes somebody to do something to make it happen.

  Let’s make truck crashes more survivable.

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