What’s Happening with Truck Underride?

I realize that there is a lot of information on this site — maybe not always so easy to find. Be sure to use the pages, links, and the tags in the right-hand column to search by topic.

Also, there is a lot happening as we work on many fronts to advance comprehensive underride protection. Our sense of urgency drives our actions and we hope that it does the same for you.

Please sign & share the STOP Underrides! Petition. We need to send a strong message that Enough is enough! Sign here: Congress, Act Now To End Deadly Truck Underride!

Recent posts include:

  1. Posts from the beginning of 2018: Recent Posts Related to the STOP Underrides! Bill
  2. NTSB Recommended FRONT OVERRIDE PROTECTION In 2010 after Truck OVERRODE 3 vehicles  Last week, I came upon a document listing safety recommendations which the National Transportation Safety Board has made related to truck underride protection. What really got me was the report on their crash investigation of a 2009 truck crash — summarized here. . .
  3. More Incriminating Evidence Points To Needless Neglect of Preventable Death By Truck Underride    As I was getting ready to attend the American Trucking Associations’ Technology & Maintenance Council (ATA/TMC) Annual Meeting at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta on Monday, I received an email with another document which points to the needless neglect of preventable Death By Truck Underride which has gone on for decades. The latest piece of incriminating evidence just happened to be published in 2002 by the TMC themselves. It is entitled, TMC Future Truck Committee Information Report: 2002 — A Brief Look at the Far Horizon; An Exploration of What’s to Come for Trucking. . .
  4. The guard didn’t break off AS the car went under the truck; the car went under BECAUSE the guard broke off!
  5. From the Library of AnnaLeah Karth, 1995-2013: She hadn’t read them all yet; Death By #Underride
  6. 1969 Chicago Cubs Baseball a Thing of the Past; Same Year DOT Planned to Require Side Guards on Trucks
  7. AnnaLeah & Mary: With Their Sister’s Wedding Dress, Allison’s Angel Gowns Sewed A Dress For A Baby Who Never Made It Home
  8. 4,180 Comments by Signers of the STOP Underrides! Petition in answer to the question, ” Why do you think Congress should pass the STOP Underrides! Bill?”
  9. Allen and Donna Smith, truck safety advocates for over ten years, have used their Ask the Trucker social media platform to raise awareness about the underride problem. Thank you, Allen & Donna!
  10. Ask the Trucker blogposts:
    Underride Guard Mandate: A Counterargument to Industry Opposition
    Unknown facts about underride crashes and prevention
  11. Podcast of Ask the Trucker BlogTalkRadio: Underride Protection Act of 2017- Truck RearGuards & SideGuards

Underride Story in Photos


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