Truck Owners Can Deduct Underride Protection Cost Dollar for Dollar. So Why Don’t They Want to Put It On?

“So tell me, why were we talking about side guards on March 19, 1969 — almost 50 years ago — and we still have not put them on trucks?!” Thousands of people have needlessly died. (Questioning the industry panel at the Road to Zero Coalition meeting in DC)

(Click on Q & A at this link:

Not only that, but we did our taxes today and I asked the tax consultant what it would mean to a truck owner if they took advantage of IRS Tax Code Section 179 and deducted the purchase of underride prevention equipment. She said that they would be able to deduct the cost of the equipment — dollar for dollar.

As my son pointed out, they will not get all of their money back. But they will get the deduction. They will get fuel savings with side guards that are combined with side skirts and thus a quick ROI. They will get back on the road more quickly in the event of a collision when there is not a fatality and their truck is not as damaged. Their insurance liability will be less and perhaps the insurance companies will jump on board and lower their costs. They will be helping to save lives and reduce the number of horrific injuries and, in the process, gain some peace of mind themselves.

What are we waiting for? Let’s get this show on the road!

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