More Incriminating Evidence Points To Needless Neglect of Preventable Death By Truck Underride

As I was getting ready to attend the American Trucking Associations’ Technology & Maintenance Council (ATA/TMC) Annual Meeting at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta on Monday, I received an email with another document which points to the needless neglect of preventable Death By Truck Underride which has gone on for decades.

The latest piece of incriminating evidence just happened to be published in 2002 by the TMC themselves. It is entitled, TMC Future Truck Committee Information Report: 2002 — A Brief Look at the Far Horizon; An Exploration of What’s to Come for Trucking.

This document*, which was developed by the Technology & Maintenance Council’s (TMC) Future Truck Committee Far Horizons Subcommittee, predicted that there would be:

  • “Underride regulations for straight trucks (estimated)” [Single Unit Trucks] in 2005
  • “Frontal aggressivity regulations (tractors)” [Front Underride Protection] in 2006; and
  • “Side underride regulations for trailers (estimated)” in 2006.

Imagine! The trucking industry was predicting — 16 years ago — that there would be regulations in place 12 years ago to end preventable truck underride, yet they took no initiative to solve this engineering problem themselves! It has taken 2 moms (families), who lost daughters to this travesty in 2004 and 2013 (when the problem could have already been addressed), to push the industry and federal government to take action.

Not only that. . . there doesn’t seem to be any end in sight for this preventable highway carnage as the trucking industry continues to publicly oppose the STOP Underrides! Bill and the legislative offices, who could take action to move it forward, appear to be waiting for a Government Accountability Office (GAO) study to be completed on this issue — which could take a year to complete. Don’t we already have enough evidence, studies, reports, and recommendations* to indicate that this legislation will provide a practical solution to end an ongoing public health problem and should be given top priority?

Furthermore, though we had some encouraging meetings with trailer manufacturer leaders while at the conference, they could provide us with no timeline for when effective solutions might be available to prevent side underride or when upgraded rear guards will be offered as standard features on all trailers. In addition, although I have repeatedly attempted to organize a forum of manufacturers and engineers to collaboratively solve this problem more quickly, there is resistance to this idea — despite the claim that “Safety is not competitive.”

We know all too well that our daughters paid the price for the reality that safety is indeed, from all appearances, sacrificed to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

*The ATA/TMC Future Truck Committee (2002) report adds one more layer of proof that           truck underride has been a well-known and documented problem, including these         additional publications:

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