This is old news. But I just saw it. It is news that will haunt the families involved forever. And it could have been prevented.
A car was traveling northbound along Harry Hines Boulevard when it started coming up on a UPS truck at the Lombardy Lane stoplight. The 18-wheeler’s 53-foot trailer was empty at the time. However, the car’s driver did not stop and slammed into the back of the big rig. The UPS truck’s rear bumper broke as the car went underneath the trailer.
The reporter didn’t understand. The rear bumper did not break off AS the car went under. The car went under because the bumper broke off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was too weak — just like on the majority of the millions of trucks on the road today. Underride tragedies waiting to happen.

Why do we let this continue to happen year after year? Do we value life so little? How much more data do we need to convince us that we need to take immediate action?