STOP Underrides Bill to be Introduced 12/12/17; Petition launched on first day of #UnderrideAwarenessWeek

We have launched the Stop Underrides Bill Petition today. Please sign & share. Public support is crucial to ending Death by Underride.  #underrideawarenessweek

Sign Here: Congress, Act Now To End Deadly Truck Underride!

On 12/12/2017, Senator Gillibrand, Senator Rubio and Congressman Cohen will introduce the Stop Underrides! Bill. This important legislation will save countless lives.

DATE: TOMORROW, Tuesday, December 12th
TIME: 10:15 AM
PLACE: Senate Visitors Center 212
United States Capitol Visitors Center
First St NE
Washington, DC 20515


One thought on “STOP Underrides Bill to be Introduced 12/12/17; Petition launched on first day of #UnderrideAwarenessWeek

  1. As a survivor of a near death tractor trailer crash, I vehemently protest the safety risks the trucking industry has subjected citizens to for the sake of higher profits. I whole heartedly support the Stop Underrides! Bill.
    Michael Hawkins

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