Recent IIHS Report on Truck Crash Risk Factors Clashes With Talk of Truck Regulation Moratorium

So much discussion about truck safety regulations these days. . .

On the one hand. . .

During his campaign, Trump said he supported regulatory reform and planned to issue a temporary moratorium on new agency regulations once elected. Trucking, Transportation Industries Looking for Trump Regulatory Changes

On the other hand. . .

Understanding why large trucks crash is key to developing countermeasures to reduce those crashes. New IIHS-sponsored research shows that serious vehicle defects triple the risk of being involved in a crash. Long hours behind the wheel and use of the short-haul exemption for federal hours-of-service rules also are important contributors to crashes. Safety defects and long hours contribute to large truck crashes

What will the future hold for oversight of the trucking industry? Who will be the winners and losers in this battle for control of truck safety? How many people will lose their lives or be seriously injured or lose a loved one due to a preventable truck crash in the coming years?

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Life & Death

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