“Power of Presidents to Protect People” (Legal Reader)

Louis Lombardo, respected auto safety researcher, advocate, and the publisher of Care For Crash Victims Reports, has written an insightful article for the Legal Reader:

Power of Presidents to Protect People, December 6, 2016

Lombardo notes that, “The history of Presidents using powers to protect people has resulted in millions of lives saved.”

He also provides insight into presidential, “Milestones in the history of protecting people – and in failing to protect people.” For example, “By 2008, 3.4 million Americans had lost their lives to vehicle violence. President Obama will be sadly remembered for weak oversight of the auto industry resulting in many needless deaths and injuries.”

What will the next four years look like, I wonder?

Next 4 years

USA Crash Death Clock

One way that our president could use his power to protect people would be by taking the initiative to move our country toward zero crash deaths & serious injuries through these actions:

  1. Set a National Vision Zero Goal.
  2. Establish a White House Vision Zero/Traffic Safety Task Force.
  3. Sign an Executive Order authorizing Vision Zero Rulemaking.
  4. Establish an independent Office of National Traffic Safety Ombudsman/Advocate.

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