“Big Companies in Legal Scrapes Turn to Science-for-Hire Giant Exponent”

This is unbelievable. You should take a look at it.

From Asbestos to Pesticides to Pork
Big Companies in Legal Scrapes Turn to Science-for-Hire Giant Exponent http://www.fairwarning.org/2016/12/exponent/

“Opponents say Exponent’s scientists and engineers routinely bend conclusions to the needs of clients, noting that the company in the 1990s supported the tobacco industry in denying the lung cancer risk of secondhand smoke. The firm’s forte, they say, is “doubt science”—muddying the waters by attacking research showing evidence of harm, highlighting or exaggerating scientific uncertainties about health hazards, and calling for more research to delay action. The result, critics say, is a pro-industry imprint on scientific literature.”

Doubt science. . .

Is this the group responsible for the ridiculous cost/benefit analysis of the tobacco industry which Jerry mentioned in his Public Comment on the truck underride rulemaking?! Look here: public-comment-on-the-nprm-for-rear-underride-guards-on-trailers-by-jerry-karth (see page five).


This reminds me of a previous post about astroturfing: “Public health is about saving lives… a million at a time”. When I attempted to find the source of his quote, I stumbled upon this article by another public health expert, Dr. Arshini Daytan. I did a mental double-take when I read her quote from David Jernigan (John Hopkins) on the strategies of large corporations who actively seek to make us unhealthy. . .

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