Why is it that we can’t seem to stem the tide of senseless vehicle violence?

Two more terrible truck crashes. I hear it over and over: traffic back up; truck doesn’t stop in time. People die.

By following a facebook group Work Zone & Truck Safety, I have learned about the countless deaths which occur in those areas. Can we and should we do better at protecting workers & travelers on our roads?

See this NHTSA Report on TRAFFIC SAFETY FACTS 2014. Go to page 112 for stats on 2014 fatalities in Work Zones.  It shows that there were 669 fatalities of which 260 were in the largest subcategory.

I have mentioned many times that our crash was not an accident and that many factors contribute to crashes and traffic fatalities — including drowsy & distracted truck drivers who are driving death machines — which is why I proposed a Tired Trucker Roundtable.

Don’t you think that we really need to do something about these senseless, preventable tragedies? I have proposed that the President and Congress work together to appoint a National Traffic Safety Ombudsman.

I just launched a new petition asking them to do so: End Preventable Crash Fatalities: Appoint a National Traffic Safety Ombudsman

Please sign this now to send a life-saving message loud & clear:  http://tinyurl.com/hep29wg

Ombudsman for Traffic Safety


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