MAY 6, 2017 in DC, Stand for Justice: Hold auto execs accountable!

Stand for Justice – Voice for Victims

Sylvan Theatre, Washington, DC

May 6, 2017


Stand for Justice Mission Statement

To create or change existing state and federal laws to protect consumers from automotive tragedies by:

·      Increasing public awareness.

·      Proposing legislative changes at the Federal and State level to increase accountability and safety in the automotive industry.

How do we accomplish our mission?  By:

·      Building a network of supporters in each state.

·      Tracking and keeping an up-to-date database of deaths related to nefarious acts by auto manufacturers.

·      Developing a call to action network at both the state and federal level that allows for the real time updating of information to supporters.

·      Gaining support of other individuals and groups related to this effort.

·      Donations can be made on our GoFundMe page:

Help us honor the victims of these senseless tragedies.  Join us in Washington on May 6th, 2017 to demand policy changes!

More details including time and location are coming soon.  STAY TUNED!

Facebook page for Washington, DC event: Stand for Justice Hold auto execs accountable!

Tragic deaths


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