After another truck crash tragedy, I launched a new petition for a Traffic Safety Advocate. Sign here.

Appoint a National Traffic Safety Ombudsman To End Preventable Crash Fatalities

Petition Created by M.K. on August 02, 2016

We propose that the President establish an independent Office of National Traffic Safety Ombudsman to be an advocate to eliminate preventable crash deaths and serious injuries.

Every average day in the U.S., 100 of our loved ones die in crash deaths and 400 more suffer serious crash injuries–along with $2 Billion in crash losses.

We need someone who has a mandate to advocate on behalf of the victims, someone who is not compromised by competing interests. We call on the President to take this action to protect our families and loved ones from one of the leading causes of preventable death.

Traffic Safety has not been a national priority. Without this Presidential action, too many lives will continue to be lost to vehicle violence.

Sign & Share:

(Note, as of August 2, The petition on the White House site is now expired; sign the above one at Care2 instead!

ONE MORE TRUCK CRASH TRAGEDY too many: Young family killed in I-80 crash was headed to Colorado for missionary training

Anger & frustration in aftermath of truck crash tragedies:

Vehicle violence

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