Millions of good reasons to adopt a National Vision Zero Goal & Appoint a Traffic Safety Ombudsman

There are millions of good reasons for the United States to adopt a National Vision Zero Goal and to appoint a Traffic Safety Ombudsman to oversee the pursuit of that goal. Millions of potential saved lives that is–over the coming years here in the U.S. and in the countries who might well follow in our footsteps (if they don’t get there before us).

There are so many examples of why we should do this thing of vital importance and here are just a few which I found this morning as I briefly checked my email and Twitter:

Why on earth don’t we take a unified approach to going about the business of saving lives?!?!?!!?!?!

Why on earth don’t we establish National Traffic Safety Standards & require them to be adopted by States?

What would I do if I were the National Traffic Safety Ombudsman? I dare you to read it and find out. In fact, I hope you do and that it inspires you to come up with some ideas of your own.

Who should we blame if we continue to plod along and pretend that we are doing everything possible to reduce preventable and  unimaginable tragedies? Well?!

President Obama Crash Deaths

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