Mary & AnnaLeah will never come back. Act now to reduce crash deaths.

As I think about the fact that now three years have gone by since a truck driver hit our car and sent us into the back of another truck where the underride guard failed, I know that those few seconds have changed my life forever. What happened in an instant, ended what could have been a long, full life for Mary and AnnaLeah. And the rest of my life stretches out before me — without them.

Never forgotten

UPDATE August 19, 2018: For current WAYS TO HELP:

Write to Obama and let him know that you think that crash deaths need to addressed as a National Public Health Problem. Go here to contact him: white form

Ask President Obama to read our Vision Zero Petition Book, which was delivered to him at the White House in March.

(Note: When the Contact Form asks you for a Subject, click on Transportation.)

Letter to President Obama from the Karth Family

Vision Zero Book by Marianne Karth for President Obama

Thank you for your support!

Tell Obama you are standing with us in this: “Family Continues Fight for Trucking Safety”

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