In the aftermath of the crash which shattered our world, we were surrounded by loving care.

In this month of May, not only do we remember our girls, AnnaLeah (forever 17) and Mary (13), but also the multitude of caring people who surrounded our entire family with love and prayer and tangible support in the aftermath of a crash which shattered our world and broke our hearts.

Approaching Exit 130, December 2013 Crash scene months later December 2013IMG_4521IMG_4507

We will never be able to thank them all enough, but I like to try. From Georgia to North Carolina to Michigan to Texas to Indiana–and many other places far & wide–there were people caught up in the tragedy with us. Please know that we will never forget.

photo of Good Samaritan Hospital Greensboro
Hospital where Mary was first taken to ER in Greensboro, Georgia. She was later moved to a hospital a few hours away in Augusta, Georgia, where she was a Jane Doe for quite some time until Jerry could arrive.
Jeff coroner and EMS Director
Jeff, EMS Director/Coroner
Jerry with Amanda Mary's ER nurse in Greensboro, Georgia
Amanda, Mary’s ER nurse–so good to meet someone who took care of Mary and could tell us about her
Pastor Schwartz and Jerry Augusta
Pastor Schwartz in Augusta–wonderful support for Jerry in a time of great need
Mary's ER nurse, May 4, 2013
It was a blessing to talk with someone who had been there for our Mary in a scary, painful time for her when I could not be with her.

Photo Album from Trip which Jerry and I took to Georgia, December 2013

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