Truck Underride Fatalities Chart from the FARS, 1994-2014

The Department of Transportation collects statistics from crash reports given to them by each state on fatalities each year. I requested a chart of those crash deaths related to truck underride since they began collecting that information.

I just received that chart from NHTSA: Truck Underride Fatalities, 1994-2014

Unfortunately, it does not contain a breakdown of rear vs side vs front collisions. Also, there is a column for Passenger “Compartment Intrusion Unknown.” Our crash was listed as this category in the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS). However, there clearly was intrusion into the passenger compartment where AnnaLeah and Mary were sitting.

It makes me wonder how many PCI crashes are underreported. These statistics are taken from the police crash reports and it would be helpful if all states were provided with, and required to use, a uniform report form in order to make reporting and research more efficient and effective.

Previous post on that topic: Truck Underride Prevention Research Too Long Neglected; How Long Will This Highway Carnage Continue?

Underride killsIMG_4492Mary 10.41 am May 4 2013Responsibility74 gertie 2314gertie 2946gertie 2947IMG_4465

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