One month to Truck Underride Roundtable: May 5, 2016

The Underride Roundtable will be one month from today. I am hoping that it will catalyze a breakthrough in underride protection. Please pray for it to be so.

Underride Roundtable Agenda

SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, May 5, 2016

May 5, 2016: IIHS Vehicle Research Center (VRC)
Thomas Morrill Conference Room

Here is the agenda (and I will be announcing details for livestreaming when they are available):

8:00    Arrival at VRC
8:30    Continental breakfast – Thomas Morrill Conference Room
9:00    Welcome – IIHS Chief Research Officer David Zuby
9:05    Description of the Problem of Underride

  1. Overview – Automotive Engineer Robert Mazurowski, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
  2. Statistics of underride crashes involving light vehicle occupants– Deputy Director Robert Molloy, Office of Highway Safety, National Transportation Safety Board
  3. Regulatory historyAdvocates for Highway and Auto Safety (invited)

10:30    Break
10:45    Research That Points to a Solution

  1. Review of research on underride crashes and improved guard performance – Senior Research Engineer Matt Brumbelow, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
  2. Virginia Tech underride guard design team
  3. Side underride crashes involving pedestrians/cyclists – Kris Carter, Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics, City of Boston

12:30    Rear underride guard crash test
1:00      LunchThomas Morrill Conference Room
1:45-4:00Identifying a Unified Approach to Implementing Solutions to the Problem

1. Identify the best way to address the problem through a panel discussion with audience participation. Panel members to include:

  • Moderator: Andy Young, lawyer and CDL holder
  • Dr. Alex Epstein, Volpe, The National Transportation Systems Center
  • Jack Graczyk, Director of Fleet Services, New York City
  • Scott Manthey, Vice President of Safety, Interstate Distributors
  • Mark Roush, Vice President of Engineering, Vanguard National Trailer
  • Robert Martineau, CEO, Airflow Deflector
  • Roy Crawford, volunteer and truck crash reconstructionist, Truck Safety Coalition

2. Where do we go from here?

Underride Research Meme

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