My grandson–all on his own–has figured out some things that might have saved his aunts.

On the way home today, there was an electronic sign on I-540 letting us know that there was a crash near the exit we would be taking and that we should take an earlier exit, Actually, there were two signs–one a few miles before the alternate route to avoid the traffic back-up and then another one right before the detour.

After we got back home and were talking about it at supper, in the midst of grown-up voices, my 9 year-old grandson said that one of those signs might have helped. I said, “When?” He said, “At the crash with Mary and AnnaLeah.” I said, “Yes, it could have.”

If only there had been a sign on May 4, 2013 on I-20 in Georgia warning traffic about a crash ahead, then a certain truck driver might have been alerted enough to pay attention and notice the traffic back-up in time to slow down and not hit our car. Or we might have been diverted off that route and never been in  that situation. In both scenarios, AnnaLeah and Mary would likely still be with us today.

I’m hoping that people in this country, who can do something about it, will figure out what my grandson has — that things can be done to protect us better. And that they’ll do their part to make it happen. Less preventable deaths & serious injuries. Less grief to bear.

Trip North May 2015 030 smaller

“Our grandma wants to make the roads safer.” Remembering 2 girls in the aftermath of a truck crash


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