Hurrah! VA Tech Sr. Dream Team has attached their underride guard to a trailer!

The Virginia Tech Senior Design Team has installed their innovative underride guard with sine beam to a trailer and sent photos to me! Testing is yet to come.

Doesn’t it look awesome?!!!!!! And we’ll get to see it and meet the Team on May 5 at the Underride Roundtable at the IIHS Vehicle Research Center.

VA Tech Underride Sine Beam
VA Tech Underride Sine Beam
VA Tech guard installed
VA Tech guard installed
VA Tech Team with installed guard on rig
VA Tech Team with installed guard

L to R:  Kristen Adriano, Daniel Carrasco, Andrew Pitt, Wayne Carter (Team Facilitator), Brian Smith, Sean Gardner

Not pictured: Jared Bryson (their Sponsor) and Robin Ott (their Project Advisor).

What I was thinking of in June 2014, when I wrote this post: Underride Guards: Can we “sit down at the table together” and work this out?

and made this video:

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