Apathy re: highway carnage “The Absurd Primacy of the Automobile in American Life”by Edward Humes

Read this recent article: The Absurd Primacy of the Automobile in American Life

Considering the constant fatalities, rampant pollution, and exorbitant costs of ownership, there is no better word to characterize the car’s dominance than insane. 

. . . cars’ most dramatic cost: They waste lives. They are one of America’s leading causes of avoidable injury and death, especially among the young. Oddly, the most immediately devastating consequence of the modern car—the carnage it leaves in its wake—seems to generate the least public outcry and attention. Jim McNamara, a sergeant with the California Highway Patrol, where officers spend 80 percent of their time responding to car wrecks, believes such public inattention and apathy arise whenever a problem is “massive but diffuse.”

I wrote about that kind of apathy here: Numbers are funny: 1 (crash story) is a tragedy; 1 million (crash stories) is a statistic


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