A simple song sung by a mother — with simple trust in the Father for all the gifts He has given and which He has promised are yet to come.
Mary & AnnaLeah sang this song one year with a King’s Kids choir in Texas. I know that they believed its simple words by faith as a mustard seed.
Video footage from Mary’s Baptism, AnnaLeah’s Confirmation, & their journey home to their Father in heaven above.
“Simple Song” lyrics & music by Honeytree (Nancy Hennigbaum)
I will sing a simple song
The meaning will be clear.
And you’ll never have to wonder
When you’re far away from here
Just where I am coming from
And where I take my stand
Beneath the cross of Jesus
Holding to His nail-scarred hand.
The Bible says it in a simple way
And so do I.
Our Father up in heaven
Sent His only Son to die
So that you and I could be free from all our sins.
Take a look at Jesus Christ in faith
Eternal life begins.
He rose again.
He conquered death forever
When He rose again.
I know it won’t be long
Until we rise with Him
To spend eternal life in Paradise.
This is my simple song.
And I know it’s nothing new.
But every simple word is true.
And this is my simple song.
Lyrics & Music: Honeytree (Nancy Hennigbaum)