Vision Zero will not undo the past, but it can shape the future.

Last night, I was sewing a row of quilt squares while watching some television with the family. I am thankful that I have this means of cathartic grieving. But, I have to say, it caused an ache deep within to touch those familiar pieces of some of their favorite clothes.

Vision Zero will not undo the past, but it can shape the future.

A row of quilt squares from Mary & AnnaLeah's clothes. For Quilt Number Two
A row of quilt squares from Mary & AnnaLeah’s clothes. For Quilt Number Two

8 Mary AnnaLeah Vanessa Dad Father Daughter Dance 001gertie 8812 alm IMG_03424 gertie 2193

Mary’s Confirmation Questioning on April 28, 2013–Six days before the crash, on May 4, 2013, which ended their lives.

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