Letter from Vice President Biden on Traffic Safety Advocacy

This week, I received a letter from Vice President Joe Biden in response to my December 9, 2015, letter to him asking that he champion our efforts to reduce the traffic safety tragedies in our country. I asked him to back our petition to President Obama requesting a Vision Zero Executive Order.

I truly appreciate his heartfelt letter expressing compassion for the loss of our daughters in a truck crash, and his promise to keep us in their prayers. He also mentioned that my commitment to the issue is inspiring.

Please pray that he is inspired to the extent of actively promoting our petition requests with the powers that be in Washington.

Vision Zero Letter from Vice President Biden

Letter from Vice President Joe Biden

Letter to Vice President Biden Vision Zero Executive Order

My letter to Vice-President Biden

Joe Biden letter with Dad photo 007

Letter From One Father to Another

Tell Obama you are standing with us in this: “Family Continues Fight for Trucking Safety”

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