Back home from 2 days in Washington with 20,000 Vision Zero Petitions; a short report

We arrived back home tonight after an intense two days of meetings in Washington, DC. We shared the highlights with family members who had not gone with us. But I am still sorting out how it went and will write a more in-depth report tomorrow.

Emotions were continuously at the surface–

  • from the compassion of policy officials as I shared with them how this morning I had reached in the pocket of my coat, which I had forgotten was once Mary’s, and unexpectedly discovered a folded piece of paper which was Mary’s sermon notes taken by her on a Sunday in March 2013–not too many weeks before the crash Mary's sermon notes Spring 2013
  • to the numerous times when I would speak out with strong conviction about an area of traffic safety which needed to be understood and addressed.  Washington Vision Zero Petition photos 009

Meeting with Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA)

All in all, I am exhausted but thankful for those who joined with us and for the opportunity to have delivered 20,000+ signatures to government officials with the hope that they will heed our petition and act with compassion and wisdom.

More later.

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