The best kind of preparation for going to Washington to speak up for vulnerable road users. . .

I have heard this encouragement four different times now this week, through different means: Be strong and courageous.

I needed to hear that. Especially because I have had some hard days of missing AnnaLeah and Mary, at the same time that the task feels overwhelming.

One of the times was just tonight when I searched for a facebook post with a photo of a drawing which Isaac made of Mary at Lake Michigan. I haven’t found it yet. But I did serendipitously find some good treasures recorded in our Journey through Grief Page. They were the best kind of encouragement as we prepare to go to Washington next week.

September 14, 2013:

September 13, 2013:

Here am I, send me!

September 20, 2013:

My what a lot we have learned since then!

September 30, 2013:

October 3, 2013:

April 16, 2014:

8 Picture 657


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