How do you calmly tell someone your daughter died? A simple but excruciating phone call.

We have been members  of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) throughout our homeschooling years ever since the oldest of our nine started learning to read. This week I received a postcard from them wondering if we wanted to renew our membership because we had missed the annual date.

So I needed to call and tell them that we didn’t need to renew because Mary, our youngest who would have been sweet sixteen, was never going to finish high school.

A simple but excruciating phone call which had me hard put to verbalize the facts and weeping before it was over. . .

Mary will never realize many of her dreams; sign our Vision Zero Petition to ensure that someone else will:  Save Lives Not Dollars: Urge DOT to Adopt a Vision Zero Policy

1m newborn Mary and MamaMary and Mom at wedding 002

Minolta DSC

maryGertie reaching for Mary ...Susanna's film

.HSLDA Membership Renewal Postcard


One thought on “How do you calmly tell someone your daughter died? A simple but excruciating phone call.

  1. How I wish this was not so. I know there is not a day that goes by that you do not live this truth. May our God provide you comfort and peace.

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