I saw an electronic sign above the expressway today–informing me of a crash 7 miles ahead & warning me to stay alert.
Could such a sign — if only it had been placed on I-20 on May 4, 2013 — have alerted a certain truck driver to PAY ATTENTION , notice how the traffic had slowed down due to a crash ahead, and not hit our car?!
Vision Zero is about embracing a VISION and making a STATEMENT which would lead to decision after decision, action after action — all leading to safer conditions and choices and circumstances designed to SAVE LIVES.
This simple thing could have made all the difference in the world for AnnaLeah & Mary.
Could Electronic Traffic Message Signs Have Saved My Daughters From Tragic Death? https://annaleahmary.com/2015/01/could-electronic-traffic-message-signs-have-saved-my-daughters-from-tragic-death/
PHOTOS taken by Mary Lydia Karth on the day of our trip, May 4, 2013:
10:52 a.m. 10:41 a.m.
12:49 p.m. 11:05 a.m.
Photos taken by the Georgia State Patrol, May 4, 2013:
3:30 p.m. 3:31 p.m.