NHTSA proposes a change in rule for Motor Carrier Safety Fitness Determination

NHTSA has proposed a change in how they determine whether a Motor Carrier is “fit” to be on the road. Instead of ratings of “satisfactory,” “conditional” and “unsatisfactory”, they are proposing to grade a carrier as either “fit” or “not fit.”

As someone who has experienced untold loss due to a truck crash, this sounds like a promising move to me.

Article: “Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said the changes will improve the ability of federal regulators to identify bad actors that are endangering drivers and passengers on U.S. roadways. ”  http://thehill.com/policy/transportation/266094-feds-move-to-overhaul-truck-bus-safety-determinations?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=transportation

Safety Fitness Determination – Notice of Proposed Rulemaking:  https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/safety/safety-fitness-determination-notice-proposed-rulemaking

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking pdf:  https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/sites/fmcsa.dot.gov/files/docs/SFD_NPRM_01-14-16.pdf


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