“Despite Plenty of Anti-Sleep Gadgets, Truckers Still Fall Asleep at the Wheel”

A long article from the perspective of some truck drivers on the fatigue that tends to occur when driving for a living. . . http://motherboard.vice.com/read/despite-plenty-of-anti-sleep-gadgets-truckers-still-fall-asleep-at-the-wheel .

Imagine being the one who fell asleep at the wheel and killed someone as a result. Drowsy driving is too often ignored until it’s too late.  Let’s do a better job of solving this problem, America.

DWF = Driving While Fatigued


One thought on ““Despite Plenty of Anti-Sleep Gadgets, Truckers Still Fall Asleep at the Wheel”

  1. Thanks!

    The article states:
    “The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration requires truckers driving with property as cargo to not drive more than 11 hours within a 14-hour time period, and limits the work week to 70 hours a week with a 34-hour break in between weeks.”

    Every DOT Secretary, FMCSA Administrator, and Secretary of Labor should be required to spend their first week in office riding under such conditions for a week.

    Government is allowing corporate economic enslavement and endangerment of all Americans.

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