Actions here & there throughout the U.S. chipping away at causes of traffic deaths

As far as I’m concerned,  decisions and actions to reduce crash fatalities are too often too little too late. So, while I’m thankful for the good things that are happening, as a mom of 2 girls who died too young, I think that there are too many delays and not enough priority assigned to Vision Zero activities.

Maybe if everyone working on these things had lost someone close to them (oh, I hope not), then they would be as tenacious and impatient as me.

And after reading some safety news today, I was thinking that perhaps things would also move faster if there were more opportunities for organizations throughout the country (and internationally) to share ideas so that no one would have to re-invent the wheel.

Wouldn’t that help things move along faster?

Some things I read today:

gertie 2947

“Just sayin’,” Mary might have said.

Sign our Vision Zero Petition:

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