Give $1 for IIHS crash tests on 5/5/16–3 yrs & 1 day after our deadly UNDERRIDE crash

UPDATE 1 year later, December 29, 2016: We are again raising money for crash testing. Crash Test of Innovative Large Truck Side Guard Could Advance Side Underride Prevention Donate here

It will happen:

  • Cars will continue to collide with larger trucks and ride under them when the too-weak underride guard buckles (or because there is no underride protection on the side of the truck)– with deadly consequences.
  • NHTSA will propose truck underride rules which are weaker than could be possible.
  • The trucking industry, for the most part, will wait to find out what new standards might be required of them for underride protection systems in 3 years or more.
  • The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) will sponsor an Underride Roundtable at their Vehicle Research Center in Ruckersville, Virginia, on May 5, 2016.

What we hope will happen is that:

  • Cars will, in the near future, be better protected from deadly underride when they unfortunately & inevitably collide with larger trucks due to human error and road conditions because. . .
  • NHTSA will propose stronger underride rules which provide the best possible protection for travelers on the road because clear evidence will be available (from underride research & crash tests) for all to see that collisions with trucks should be more survivable than previously thought.
  • The trucking industry will take responsibility and voluntarily work to provide better underride protection for collisions with smaller passenger vehicles–without even waiting for improved federal requirements to go into effect.
  • The Underride Roundtable at IIHS, on May 5, 2016, will bring together experts in many fields who will propose solutions, which will contribute greatly toward realizing a vision of Zero Deaths and Zero Serious Injuries from truck underride crashes.

Be a part of this vision. Contribute to support underride research and crash tests.

Update, April 22, 2016: At this point, any donations given will not be for the crash test taking place at the Roundtable on May 5, but would be used for future research/testing.

You can do so here & now:


Tell others about it. (See sharing icons below.)

For too long, this problem has been recognized but swept under a rug. It has not been considered a priority and money has not been earmarked to resolve the problem. If we don’t do something about it, who will?!

Watch the informative video below which I discovered yesterday from a 2012 investigative report on underride crashes:


And, out of the mouths of babes. . .

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