Letter To Conferees – DRIVE Act (H.R. 22)

Letter To Conferees – DRIVE Act (H.R. 22)

November 13, 2015

Dear Conferee:

As representatives of the nation’s leading consumer, public health, and safety organizations, and families who have had loved ones killed in preventable motor vehicle and motor carrier crashes, we are writing to express our continuing concerns and strong objections to the House and Senate highway reauthorization bills’ failure to advance needed public safety laws and programs. As you begin conference negotiations to harmonize the language in the two bills, we urge you to remove anti-safety provisions and include commonsense and cost-effective safety improvements. Without your efforts to ensure critical changes to address the rising carnage on our roads and highways, the next surface transportation reauthorization bill could turn out to be the most anti-safety transportation legislation ever enacted into law. . .

Read more here: http://trucksafety.org/letter-to-conferees-drive-act-h-r-22/

Signatures: http://trucksafety.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Signatures-Letter-to-Conferees.pdf

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